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About Me



I love shopping at second-hand stores and was thrilled when I found a beautiful Merino wool sweater for my birthday. I was so disappointed when I accidentally washed it and it shrunk to toddler size. Being a thrifty person, I researched how to upcycle a felted wool sweater, because I couldn't bear to throw it away.


And I was hooked.


This is the purse I made with that sweater!

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My bags and purses are made from felted wool or cashmere sweaters, men's shirts, cotton pillowcases and bedding, table cloths, curtains and placemats, or any other fabric that catches my eye.  


Each item is completely unique and any embroidery embellishment is done by hand.

Browse through the available products to see if something speaks to you.

If you have something specific you're looking for, or an item you would like to be upcycled, please contact me to discuss your project.

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